


英文翻译 Daisy 重点词汇 雏菊───Daisy 双语使用场景 Daisy is my best friend.───黛西是我的最好朋友。Racing up the stairs, he almost collided with Daisy.───他冲上楼梯,几乎与戴西相撞。How did Daisy travel?───戴茜是怎样旅行的?Not long ago there was a

2024-04-10 13:20:35


英文翻译 August 5th 重点词汇 8月5号───August 5th 双语使用场景 AMERICA's secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, sets off on a seven-country trip to Africa beginning on Wednesday August 5th.───美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿从8月5日星期三开始对非

2024-04-10 13:19:22


英文翻译 Where are you? 重点词汇 地方───local;你───you 双语使用场景 I could call the local doctor.───我可以给当地医生打电话。He dabbles in local politics.───他开始涉足地方政坛。Police suspect a local gang.───警方怀疑当地的一个不良帮派。In a cluster s

2024-04-10 13:18:14


英文翻译 one hundred million 重点词汇 一亿───one hundred million 双语使用场景 He planned to sell one hundred million dollars' worth of railroad bonds.───他计划发行一亿美元的铁路债券。An estimated one hundred million people heard

2024-04-10 13:17:33


英文翻译 no one 重点词汇 没有人───no one 双语使用场景 one in sight.───一个人也看不见。No one doubted his ability.───没有人怀疑他的能力。Amazingly, no one noticed.───惊奇的是,竟没有人注意到。However, when she did not return his love, Apollo plac

2024-04-10 13:16:27


英文翻译 office worker 重点词汇 上班族───office worker 双语使用场景 Chengpei, an office worker in Xiamen City loves reading on his mobile phone app in his spare time.───厦门市上班族陈成培喜欢在业余时间用手机软件阅读。How long has he been

2024-04-10 13:15:44


英文翻译 Trojan horse 重点词汇 木马───Trojan horse 双语使用场景 Trojan horse Malware that masquerades as non-malicious software.───特洛伊木马软件,经常伪装成无害软件。A Trojan Horse?───特洛伊木马?Is this gift a Trojan horse?───这个礼物该不会是特

2024-04-10 13:14:43


英文翻译 appeal 重点词汇 呼吁───appeal 双语使用场景 We must broaden our appeal.───我们必须扩大我们的吸引力。He will appeal against his conviction.───他将对判决进行上诉。My appeal proved futile.───我的呼吁白费了。It's easy to understand the appe

2024-04-10 13:13:37

你是什么职业 用英语怎么说_你是什么职业 英文怎么写

英文翻译 What's your occupation 重点词汇 职业───occupation;你是什么───What are you 双语使用场景 areas under occupation contained major industrial areas.───占领地区拥有主要的工业区。Parachuting is a dangerous occupation.───跳伞是一种危险的

2024-04-10 13:12:17


英文翻译 dance lesson 重点词汇 舞蹈───dance;课───course 双语使用场景 He can't dance for toffee!───他根本不会跳舞!Come on Doreen, let's dance.───来吧,多琳,我们跳舞吧。We spontaneously started to dance.───我们情不自禁地跳起舞来。Song of shock, d

2024-04-10 13:11:20

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